Get the train to Melton Railway Station, Suffolk (MES)
11 minutes from MES train station
M&R: 01394 386661
Jet Cabs: 01473 214837
18 minutes from MES train station
Bus 71 (First Eastern Counties) departs Melton opposite the train station at 9.11, 11.11 and 13.11. Drop off point is at Oak Hill with a very short walk to the Suffolk Punch Trust.
Request a journey from Connecting Communities rural transport,
click here or call them on 0345 6066171.
The minibus departs Melton adjacent to the railway station at 9.31, 10.31, 11.31 and 12.31. Drop off point is Duck Corner in Hollesley with a walk to The Suffolk Punch Trust.
Return minibus to Melton railway station from Duck Corner at 14.06,15.06, 16.06, 17.06.
07749 225432
01394 383555
01394 411309
01394 384627
01394 382202
01394 384242
01394 382089
01394 385678
01394 411023
01394 389700
01394 380502
Visitor Centre
The Suffolk Punch Trust, Woodbridge Walk, Hollesley, IP12 3LA
Colony Stud and Postal Address: The Suffolk Punch Trust, Sink Farm, St. David's Lane, Hollesley, Suffolk IP12 3JR
Dogs Welcome
Special thanks to these photographers: Jeff Welch, Elizabeth Ebsworth, Richard Allenby Pratt, Claire Le Roy, Jemma Martin, Sonja Moon.