The Suffolk Punch Trust is committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance. It is an integral and fundamental part of our strategy and operating methods.
• Minimise waste and reuse or recycle as much as possible.
• Minimise consumption of energy, water and natural resources, especially non-renewable.
• Assess environmental impact of any new processes we intend to introduce and purchase sustainable products for the upkeep of our gardens, wherever possible.
• Enhance biodiversity on our sites.
We have replaced all single-use plastic straws and drinking cups and have also moved towards introducing paper bags in gift shops.
The Visitor Centre has recently had solar panels with accompanying batteries installed.
In partnership with our waste recycling contractor, paper, glass and plastic waste is recycled wherever possible, metals and electrical equipment are sent for recycling.
In-house we repurpose wood and we compost garden waste to use in the Heritage Garden. Garden packaging from the café and shop goes both to the Heritage Garden for no dig beds and to the local prison to be made into energy blocks. Any waste which cannot be processed through any of the above is forwarded to become Residual Derived Fuel where the production plant contributes to energy recovery.
Visitor Centre
The Suffolk Punch Trust, Woodbridge Walk, Hollesley, IP12 3LA
Colony Stud and Postal Address: The Suffolk Punch Trust, Sink Farm, St. David's Lane, Hollesley, Suffolk IP12 3JR
Dogs Welcome
Special thanks to these photographers: Jeff Welch, Elizabeth Ebsworth, Richard Allenby Pratt, Claire Le Roy, Jemma Martin, Sonja Moon.